
Experiences in Barbados

Experiences in Barbados

Are you looking for memorable experiences in Barbados that happens once in a lifetime?

Within our list of Barbados experiences, we share with you some memorable and unique experiences from our wandering travel writers.

With tips for highly recommended things to do in Barbados, you will also find reviews, recommendations, and helpful photos for your future trips to Barbados.

Reviews are encouraged to be a genuine reflection of our experience with a place. We intend to be honest and unbiased at all times.

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Experiences in Barbados by Wandering Travel Writers
Reviews, Recommendations, and Photos

I’ve met an interesting visitor to Barbados; his name is Kerry Alaric Cheeseboro, a native New Yorker and one of the most recently welcomed visitors to our island shores. Kerry recently took advantage of the Barbados Welcome Stamp program, where he now has the ability to work remotely in Barbados for a period of up to one (1) year.

Kerry arrived in Barbados in October 2020 and committed to continue his “work-from-home” businesses – graphic web design and brand marketing along with his food production company.

Kerry was in search of a location offering a far more peaceful, and therefore vocationally conducive environment, with greater views of skies, more therapeutically nurturing environments of nature and both beautiful beaches and day-to-day conveniences available within just a few minutes commute.

Choosing to relocate on his own and knowing “next to no one” in Barbados, Kerrys’ agenda was to absorb as much of the truly Bajan culture as possible, preferring to achieve some assimilation level to habituating the more touristy attractions.

And in the quest so far, still only a couple of months in, he has realized that wish and enjoying not just the planned discoveries but the unexpected joys of the Barbadian culture and its people – “both vibrant and spiritually positive.”

Kerry Alaric Cheeseboro - Swims in Barbados

Kerry Alaric Cheeseboro – Swims in Barbados for the first time.

Follow Kerry and his exciting adventures on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KACnyc.

It’s been well over a decade since I’ve last been to a beach, and longer still since I’ve gone into the water.

Nearby Salt Ash beach has seen nearly daily visits from me, mostly for meditation and maybe getting knee-deep in the ocean, a restoratively welcome tease, but a tease nonetheless.
This morning, I took my usual morning PT/physio walk — in ideal, dry, and breezy 78ºF weather — to the beach, did a 10-minute meditation, and then went fully into the water for the first time, the farthest and longest I’ve done so.
Those of you who have advocated for getting the undulating seawater to caress, massage, and support my lower back was kindly right to do so. It was “extraordinarily exhilarating.”
As advised, I will keep track of my lower back muscles and their reactions’ long-term throughout the day. Still, if all goes well, I will become ever more grateful to spend future waking moments enjoy this beautiful island not just for the warm nature and people that inhabit it, but for the soothing yet powerful water that embraces it.

You can find almost daily posts about his experiences using the following links:
October 20th, 2020: Some beach pics from my lovely stay at The Crane.
In the coming weeks, we will highlight his activities and favorite moments in Barbados.

About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.