
Segway Polo Team from Barbados to Compete in Germany

Segway Polo Team from Barbados to Compete in Germany

The Segway Polo Club of Barbados is preparing to send nine (9) players to the prestigious Zurich Cup, held this year in conjunction with the European Segway Polo Championships in the town of Balve, Germany. The event will be covered by Totally Barbados.

The Barbadian contingent will consist of the original seven (7) Barbados Flyin’ Fish, who won the 2009 and 2010 World Championships and only narrowly lost the final in 2011.

On this trip, they will also be joined by two (2) players from the Barbados Rum Runners, who will be playing for the Helvetic Vipers, a truly international team made up of players from the U.S., Germany, Switzerland and Barbados.

Having missed the Woz Challenge Cup (World Championships of Segway Polo) in Stockholm, Sweden earlier this year due to lack of funding, the Flyin’ Fish are hoping to bring another trophy to Barbados.

Given the pedigree of the team, expectations are high according to captain Peter Gilkes:

“While we were unable to compete in the 2012 Woz Cup in June, we are anxious to show the rest of the world that Barbados remains a force to be reckoned with. We heard that the other teams have improved their game considerably and are looking forward to a competitive tournament.”

Daniel Hatch, Barbados’ top scorer and considered one of the top three Segway Polo players in the world, added: “We have been practicing twice a week to sharpen our game and I can’t wait to get to Germany and win another cup.”

Although still a young sport, Segway Polo is played in many countries around the world.

It was introduced in Barbados in 2009 by Jason Gilkes, who started the business Segway of Barbados Adventure Fun Rides but wanted to find other ways to use the Segways as a means to bring his friends together for some fun. With Barbados’ rich horse polo history, Segway Polo was a natural fit.

Even so, no one could have predicted the remarkable success that Barbados would have on the world stage.

It was just a few months after the sport was introduced on the island, that the Barbados Flyin’ Fish became world champions, having won the Woz Challenge Cup in Cologne, Germany in 2009.

The Zurich Cup will be played from October 4th – 6th, 2012 and the players will be leaving Barbados on October 1st and returning on October 8th, 2012.

The organizers are hoping to attract 16 teams, 12 of which have already registered.

If you are interested in supporting the Barbados Segway Polo Club as a sponsor or in any other form, or to find out more about Segway Polo in Barbados, please contact Brett Callaghan at Totally Barbados.

For more information please visit the Segway Polo European Championship and Zurich Cup 2012 Segway Polo
Tournament website

Additional Information:

September 18th, 2012


About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.