
Barbados Hosted World Renowned Emotional Intelligence Expert Tim Sanders

Barbados Hosted World Renowned Emotional Intelligence Expert Tim Sanders

The Central Bank of Barbados hosted world renowned Emotional Intelligence expert Tim Sanders last week October 19th, 2012 in Barbados.

Mr. Sanders is the former Chief Solutions Officer at the American multinational internet corporation Yahoo and has a background in economics, psychology and debate.

The strategic consultant and CEO of Net Minds was the featured speaker at a conference attended by Totally Barbados and held at the Frank Collymore Hall in Bridgetown under the theme ‘Emotional Talent: The Final Leadership Frontier’.

Tim Sanders has been called a “Public Consultant” by Time Magazine because of the extensive research he has done in the area of Emotional Intelligence and the level of customized advice his audiences.

Speaking to an audience that included mostly senior public and private sector workers, Mr. Sanders noted that the most successful leaders, whether in government or corporation, were those who had mastered Emotional Intelligence.

He referred to it as the final frontier that has to be conquered for truly effective leadership to take place.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and manage your emotions. It is a critical component of how people relate to one another.

Mr. Sanders suggested that having a command of this particular talent, coupled with a generous spirit, allows a person to have positive experiences in his/her interaction with others.

He said heightened “likability” factor translates into people being more willing to work with and for someone who has mastered Emotional Intelligence.

Mr. Sanders also said that gone are the days when having technical knowledge about the job was enough.According to him, it is necessary but not sufficient in a modernized world.

His invitation by the Central Bank of Barbados was another step in the execution of the institution’s strategy of renewal, as indicated by the governor Dr. Delisle Worrell.

He said they have chosen this path because of the recognition that even with the most sophisticated management systems, as a general rule, most employees are miserable on the job.

“The missing element, we have come to realize, is the human element, and that is where our emotions come into play.

We are emotional beings and it matters a great deal to our motivation, our happiness and our performance, that our colleagues and our managers care about us,” he said.

Dr Worrell said based on that premise, the bank is trying to create a culture of emotional habits that emphasise caring about staff, wanting them to do well and be happy.

“Already we have evidence that this is a sure path to high morale and enviable levels of efficiency,” he said.

“We have several examples of top class performance, and those involved can bear testimony to the wonderful spirit associated with these events.”

The central bank governor also said that in management practice, as in many other fields, Barbados must leapfrog to the head of the class, if it is to make its way in the increasingly competitive and unforgiving world.

He said embracing Emotional Intelligence enables Barbados to do just that.

Additional Information:

October 24th, 2012


About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.