
April 21st, 2010 – Wednesday Morning at Crane Resort with Jaicko

April 21st, 2010 – Wednesday Morning at Crane Resort with Jaicko

It is the silver anniversary of CHUM FM’s “Breakfast in Barbados,” and the event promises to fill up its audience with all the glitter and glamour that goes with such a celebration!

With approximately 180 prize winners gathered on the island from their respective CHUM-affiliated stations across Canada and the United States of America, the excitement was in the air.

For more photos and information about Breakfast in Barbados, see the below links.

» Article on Jaicko in Barbados with CHUM FM

» Article on Barenaked Ladies in Barbados with CHUM FM

» Article on New Kids on the Block in Barbados with CHUM FM

» Article on Barbados Concert with the New Kids on the Block

» Photos of Breakfast in Barbados

» Photos of Barbados Concert with the New Kids on the Block

» Photos of Barenaked Ladies in Barbados with CHUM FM

» Photos of Jaicko in Barbados with CHUM FM

» Photos of New Kids on the Block in Barbados with CHUM FM

» Lots more Photos on Totally Barbados Facebook of Breakfast in Barbados Photos of the New Kids on the Block, Barenaked Ladies,
Jaicko and CHUM FM.

This year’s line-up for the April 22nd concert will feature New Kids on the Block, Barenaked Ladies, and the emerging Barbadian artiste Jaicko.

The guest on Wednesday, April 21st, morning show with Roger, Darren, and Marilyn was the home-grown but internationally signed Jaicko.

Before his arrival to the studio though, which for this week in Barbados, is “The Village,” an architectural recreation of a traditional “Bajan village” scene recreated at the Crane Hotel.

Although it is an early start to the day in paradise, contest winners do not need much motivation to drag themselves from their luxurious rooms at The Crane Resort and Residences.

The sun is sparkling down on “The Village” while a cool breeze blows off the rugged eastern coast of Barbados.

The chemistry and wit of Roger, Darren, and Marilyn, combined with this wonderful ambiance, is one of the best ways to start the morning. While many of the contest winners are not intimately familiar with Jaicko, this will undoubtedly change with the release of his first two singles, “Oh Yeah” and “Fast Forward.”

It is no small wonder that while “Oh Yeah” is being played on CHUM-FM, this infectious number has everyone nodding their heads – perhaps in disbelief of the great fortune of being in one of the perfect places at this precise moment.

Roger, Darren, and Marilyn took us through their paces, offering snippets of entertainment and pop culture-infused with their wry observations and humor.

Darren shared his island reading of “Sponge Bob Square Pants Survival Guide” with the listeners in “Darren’s Book Club,” offering insightful, humorous, and irrelevant tips to those contestants who may encounter a shark in the sea during their time in Barbados!

While the reality of ever having to stare a shark in the eyes is slim to non-existent, there have been several other adventures thus far.

Darren has been jaunting around the island in his rental car from Courtesy Rent A Car and has explored noteworthy spots like Bathsheba and St. Lawrence Gap.

He and many of the contestants have noted, that after visiting different sites on the island – like Hunte’s Gardens, the practice of Barbadians to offer a refreshing beverage – usually laced with the award-winning local rum – is a standard offering!

Roger shared his experience of traveling on the local yellow mini-buses – which is not for the faint at heart. Marilyn highlighted that while all the focus is on Barbados right now for musical talent, it has also been featured in various television shows, and Bathsheba has been the location for critical episodes of the American soap opera “The Bold and the Beautiful” and comedy “Friends.”

Some of the contestant winners, sporting either wide smiles or strong sunburns, shared on-air their experiences so far.

Alana spoke about her “aerial trekking” or “zip-lining” adventure. While it was a bit scary high above the trees, the support of the staff, and of course, the refreshing beverage at the end of the experience managed to calm her nerves.

Lisa and Don Lawrence from Mississauga, Ontario, shared their excitement at being local celebrities even after only a few days on the island. They were photographed in the local newspaper on arrival on the island, greeted with entertainment and some local beer.

While all the prize winners are special, Don has the distinction of being the first winner since he called into CHUM during Breakfast in Barbados 2009 to secure his place for the 25th anniversary!

He indicated that coming to Barbados was on his “bucket list,” so he and his wife are delighted to be here for this event!

The arrival of Barbadian artiste Jaicko was the culmination of the morning’s show. This charming and handsome 18-year-old appears to have the world at his feet. He was happy to be home and shared with the listeners his journey so far.

His first single “Oh Yeah” has been receiving considerable airplay across North America, and his latest single “Fast Forward” is also doing extremely well. His upcoming debut album “Can I” is scheduled to launch this summer.

International superstar Rihanna has paved the way for others to follow her footsteps. What is clear with Jaicko is that although still a teenager, he has been in the music industry for more than half his life.

His father, Phillip Forrester, was a successful and popular musician with a popular local band called IV De People. Jaicko cites his father and one of his musical influences and key supporters in his journey to achieve international chart success.

With several upcoming tours, appearances, and gigs to promote his album across North America, the Breakfast in Barbados prize winners will have the opportunity in a few months to say, “I met him at Breakfast in Barbados” when his songs were now attaining international recognition.

As the opening act at the April 22nd, 2010 show which will feature Bare Naked Ladies and New Kids on the Block, CHUM-FM’s Breakfast in Barbados has delivered more than just a taste, or a mouthful-it has the promise of a full-bodied experience!

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About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.