
Caribbean Tourism Organization CTO

One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) is the Caribbean's regional tourism development agency. The CTO was established in 1989 and was set up with the aim of being an organized body to focus on the entire region of the Caribbean as a single destination entity. Now, with a membership of


Tourism in Barbados No matter what time of year, Barbados is without a doubt a tourist hot spot that caters to all travelling tastes and budgets. In fact, the tourism industry has now become the backbone of the Barbadian economy, and the island goes all out to make sure its visitors feel welcome and enjoy


Barbados still depends on sugar and rum as the two most important foreign exchange earners in the manufacturing sector. Overall, manufacturing lost some ground in 2008, as the island and its trading partners continued to be buffeted by the world economic slowdown. Barbados Central Bank figures put the sector's 2008 decline at 0.4%, following a

International Business

Barbados International Business Barbados has committed itself to further modernizing its international business and financial services sector, already a key contributor to the national economy. Prime Minister David Thompson says this is a key component on the way to fashioning Barbados into a First World economy. The way he envisions it, the plan will include

Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME)

Barbados was among the Caribbean countries represented at the 1989 Grenada Summit which decided to establish the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). The CSME was intended to help the countries better respond to the challenges and opportunities globalization presents. Thirteen countries including host Grenada signed the Grand Anse Declaration ushering in the CSME: --

Fishing Industry

Barbados Fishing The Barbados fisheries sector has long been a significant area of local economic activity and in today's world of steadily rising prices continues to provide cost effective food for locals and visitors alike. Currently, mostly self-employed people dominate the industry, and are involved in actual fishing, processing, distribution, retailing, wholesaling, boat building and


Barbados Agriculture Overview With a multi-million dollar food import bill that keeps spiralling, Barbados is placing more emphasis these days on agriculture. The primary objective is to grow more of what it consumes. Overall local food production was up 1.6% in 2008.   Barbados Sugar For generations, sugar has been the mainstay of Barbados agriculture.

Public Lecture

Public LectureUniversity of the West Indies (UWI's) Chronic Disease Research Centre hosts - Diet in Barbados and Implications for Health. This public lecture will highlight and explore current trends and impacts as it relates to the Barbadian lifestyle. Presented by Dr. Sangita Sharma, University of Hawaii Roy Marshall Teaching Complex, LT1, Cave Hill Campus Starts

Financing Business Ventures In Barbados

Financing Business Ventures In BarbadosBarbados Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 109 B, Brittons Hill, St. Michael, Barbados, W.I. Telephone: (246) 826-2056, (246) 826-0747 Fax: (246) 826-9738 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bdscham.com Dear Business Colleague. Financing Business Ventures In Barbados One of the burning questions arising from the debate on who controls the economy in Barbados was

18th CDB Special Discussion Forum

18th CDB Special Discussion ForumThe Caribbean Development Bank's Special Discussion Forum-to educate and sensitize the business community on pertinent issues.