
Real Estate Articles

Real Estate Articles In this section you will find articles relating to the Barbados real estate market. If you are an investor then you will find details about opportunities and practical advice on the things that you need to know when investing in property in Barbados. If your business is real estate or you are

International Business Articles

International Business Articles Topics discussed include International Business Companies, Insurance and much more. The Changing Pace of International Business Companies

Infrastructure Articles

Infrastructure Articles The Barbados Infrastructure Articles presented are written by a variety of industry professionals. Telecommunications and Energy are two important topics discussed in this section. Telecommunications Development in Barbados Update on Fixed Line Telecommunications Services in Barbados

Business Articles

Barbados Business Articles This section of Barbados business articles carries a series of features on Barbados, its businesses and its relations with its Caribbean neighbors. There is also a special section on Barbados Success Stories, looking at the emergence and development of key Barbados businesses. Business Barbados Success Stories Economic Articles Education and Training Articles

International Business Statistics

Barbados International Business Statistics Totally Barbados International Business Statistics provide an array of information on the International Business sector in Barbados. Totally Barbados makes every effort to provide current and valid data. Legitimate reference sources include the Barbados Statistical Service, the Barbados Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development, the Barbados Ministry of Foreign Affairs and

Barbados Business Statistics

Barbados Business Statistics Totally Barbados Business Statistics provide a diverse cross-section of information for a number of relevant industries and topics. Totally Barbados makes every effort to provide current and valid data. Legitimate reference sources include the Barbados Statistical Service, documents such as the Barbados Economic and Social Report, statistics from the Central Bank of

Resource Library

Barbados Business Resource Library The Totally Barbados Business Resource Library presents a wealth of legitimate resource material related to Business in Barbados. In the following sections, we present key Business References, Business Articles, relevant Business Legislation, current Business Trade Agreements and treaties and detailed Business Statistics. The Barbados Business Statistics section contains valuable data for

Sir Clifford Straughn Husbands

Sir Clifford Straughn Husbands (1926 - ) was the Governors General of Barbados. Husbands has maintained uninterrupted tenure as Governor General since 1996 but retired on October 31st, 2011. Mr. Elliott Belgrave, is now (November 1st, 2011 - ) the acting Governors General with the retirement of Sir Clifford Husbands on October 31, 2011. Mr.

Sir Arleigh Winston Scott

Sir Arleigh Winston Scott (1900 - 1976) was the 2nd Governor General of Barbados following independence in 1966. The first Barbadian Governor General of the island, Scott served as Governor General from May 18th 1967 to August 9th 1976. Young Scott was educated at the St. Giles Boys School, later pursuing his secondary studies at

Dame Ruth Nita Barrow

Dame Ruth Nita Barrow was awarded the honour of being appointed Governor General of Barbados on June 6th 1990. Barrow served as Head of State until her eventual death on December 19th 1995. Born on the 15th of November 1916, Nita Barrow was an ambitious woman born to a family of political activists. Her father,