
Top 10 Barbados Delicacies

Barbados’s island is known for its excellent and diverse cuisine; therefore, it was challenging to compile a list of only ten delicacies of Barbados.

Barbadians love their food, and many dishes and delicacies are unique to the island.

You’re spoilt for choice regarding Bajan cuisine; however, you must try to sample everything on this list of top 10 Barbados delicacies at least once.

Note the decision to place flying Fish and cou-cou as two separate items was tough because these two, in combination, make up our national dish. Nevertheless, we think it was a wise choice since these two have individually formed their unique followings over the years and are a “must-try,” especially if you can find a local to cook them for you.

— Flying Fish

Flying Fish is a huge part of our cultural identity. It is one of the national symbols of Barbados and features prominently on national artifacts like coins and local artwork.

Barbados is “the land of the flying fish,” and it accounts for about 60% of the Fish on the island. Everyone who has tasted this little local delicacy finds themselves hooked on its unique flavor.

Whether steamed, fried, pickled, barbecued, in between salt bread, or with a side of our infamous cou-cou, this little Fish is one of the defining features of a typical Bajan meal.

— Coucou

The second part of our national dish, cou-cou, is made from cornmeal and okra, or breadfruit and green bananas, then topped with various tomatoes, onions, and peppers.

Either combination is a mouth-watering favorite of proud Bajans far and wide. And, of course, in Barbados, it is usually served accompanied by flying Fish.

— Mauby

Mauby is a drink made from the bark of trees native to the Caribbean, and its unique bitter-sweet flavor is enjoyed by Bajans island-wide.

Many say mauby tastes like root beer, and to some, it is an acquired taste because of the bitter after-effects. It’s usually mixed with sugar and various spices such as cinnamon and aniseed.

You can buy the mauby syrup to mix with water at most supermarkets and convenience stores; however, for that more naturalist approach, it’s still possible to buy the bark to boil and make your batch of mauby at home.

— Pudding and Souse

Bajans are known as “pork mouths,” so it’s not surprising that pudding and souse (made with various offcuts of pork meat) is a tried and tested old Bajan favorite, traditionally served island-wide on a Saturday. It has become something of a Saturday ritual for many locals.

The pudding is made from the pig’s intestines and stuffed with a unique blend of seasoning and sweet potato. The souse is boiled pig’s head, or feet served cold with onions, cucumbers, limes, parsley, and hot and sweet peppers.

Of course, there are variations in recipes, so you’ll have to come and try it for yourself!

— Conkies

Conkies are a sweet cornmeal-based delicacy in Barbados. They are served hot and consist of cornmeal, raisins, coconut, sweet potato, pumpkin, and spices, all wrapped and steamed in banana leaves.

This delicacy dominates the Bajan household tables once a year around Independence Day celebrations (November 30th); however, it is still eaten all year round and is undoubtedly an iconic dish here on the island.

Follow our Conkies Recipe

— Coconut Bread (aka ‘sweet bread’)

As the name suggests, this Bajan delicacy (as Bajans would say) is sweet, sweet, sweet! Coconut bread, or ‘sweet bread, mainly consists of coconut, sugar, mixed spices, and sometimes raisins.

Many Bajans have childhood memories of waking up on the eve of any national holiday to the sweet smell of this national delicacy baking in the oven. Nothing can compare to this lovely bread crumbling in your mouth. Taste it and see!

— Sea-Egg (sea urchin)

There are about 17 sea urchin species in this little island’s coastal waters. Still, the steamed White Sea Egg has become a savored Bajan delicacy and is worthy of a place in our top 10 Bajan delicacies list.

Note: sea egg harvesting is controlled by law to limit harvesting to particular times of the year to prevent the species’ depletion.

— Rum Cake (aka ‘great cake’ or ‘black cake’)

It’s been contended that Barbados is a society that loves its alcohol (rum, in particular), and this argument is supported by the fact that most Bajans possess undying love for a great cake, also known as black cake or rum cake.

Black cake is another version of traditional fruit cake and consists of dried fruits, nuts, citrus peel, mixed spice, sugar, eggs, and our infamous dark rum.

It’s generally served over Christmas / New Year and holds a special place in every Bajan’s heart.

— Ginger Beer

Ginger beer is a non-alcoholic beverage indigenous to the island of Barbados.

Ginger beer can be home-brewed and comes in the carbonated form of a soft drink. It generally consists of ginger, sugar, water, and lemon juice. This Bajan delight tends to be served at Christmas time and is a household favorite on the island.

— Bakes

Bakes are traditionally and affectionately known as ‘survival food’ because they contain three essential ingredients – sugar, water, and flour. They look like flat muffins and are quick and easy to make.

Bakes are not only a simple dish, but they also taste great, and for these reasons, these good old-fashioned Bajan treats are a proud and prominent member of our top ten delicacies list.

Worth a mention…

This list cannot do justice to the amount of Bajan foods that could have been included as favored Bajan delicacies here on the island.

Foods like fish cakes, cassava pone, sugar cake, roast breadfruit, pigtails, rice, and peas (a Caribbean favorite), not to mention the increasing amount of ‘ital’ foods available on the island (vegan and closely associated with Rastafarian culture), are all worthy inclusions in this list of delicacies.

The list could go on!

The items on this list were chosen because they embody a Bajan tradition, our lifestyle, our history, and our progression.

These foods are as important as the national flag and our anthem because they are a part of the blueprint of any person who has lived and grown up in Barbados. They invoke memories and feelings of national pride and nostalgia.

Do your research and shop for new and unique Bajan treats – you’re sure to find many more delicacies just waiting to be sampled.

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About Totally Barbados (Edit profile)

Brett Callaghan is the founder and managing director of Totally Barbados. I specialize in writing content for the tourism industry for my island home of Barbados. I help companies build strategies to grow online businesses with SMART marketing, advertising, and social media goals.